Isabella Tate

Isabella Tate

Beginner-Isabella Tate


Isabella Tate - Moreton Bay - Harmonica Lessons


Services done by Isabella Tate in Moreton Bay

I am a current student at the Queensland Conservatorium, completing my honours year. I hold a Bachelor of Music specialising in composition. I love to write music and would love to help others to write their own.

I have written music for films, chamber ensembles, orchestras, choirs, and solo works. Last year I was named a finalist in the Australian Women's Windband Competition. I have done work experience in primary school music teaching.

I would love to help others with how to write music, workshopping ideas, or anything they need help with!


South East Queensland Moreton Bay
Registered on Fixando


Isabella Tate - South East Queensland - Moreton Bay - Map


What is the average price of Isabella Tate services?
Average prices are important to know how much you are paying for each service. The average for Music - Other Instruments is .
What services does Isabella Tate provides?
This PRO provides a wide range of services such as Music - Other Instruments, Lessons.
Where does Isabella Tate provides services?
Working locations are usually close to the pros home. For PRO Isabella Tate, he works in Moreton Bay.This pro also provides remote services
How does Isabella Tate prefers to be contacted?
This PRO prefers to be contacted via .
Isabella Tate - Moreton Bay - Harmonica Lessons