26.08.2019 - 16:02

Anamika S. - Nambucca

  • When

    Date: SunATENovemberORNovAT_thCHESunULI1G_QUEthTIO2 - Start: 15:00 - End: 7pm

  • Event type


  • Location of henna tattoo

    As requested by guest

  • Age of guests

    4 - 6 years old
    7 - 10 years old
    11 - 14 years old
    15 - 17 years old
    18 or older

  • Number of guests

    31 - 50 guests

  • Customer understands that pros pay to quote

    I understand

  • yarrahapinni NSW

  • How would you like to meet with the Professional?

    At the customer location